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All Human-Made Mosaic Art: A Celebration of Co-creation, Monetization, and Human Ingenuity in the Digital Age

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Embracing Human Creativity in a World of AI

As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to permeate the creative sector, concerns arise regarding the attribution, ownership, and value of digital content. The All Human-Made Mosaic Art Campaign, a collaboration between Numbers Protocol, artist Charis Tsevis, and Avalanche, seeks to address these concerns by emphasizing the importance of digital media provenance, transparency, verification, and human creativity in an age of AI-generated content.

The All Human-Made Mosaic Art Campaign engages participants in a four-phase journey of co-creation, monetization, and celebration:

  • Co-create: Participants take selfies using the Capture App and submit them through the Network Action "Gift" feature, with each image receiving a unique asset profile.
  • Artistic Transformation: Charis Tsevis incorporates submitted images into a semi-completed mosaic artwork, which is then printed on T-shirts with a QR code linking to the final NFT artwork.
  • Monetization and Expansion: During the SXSW 2023 event in Austin, on-site selfies are collected, and T-shirts featuring the semi-completed mosaic artwork are sold, with all co-creators sharing the revenue generated.
  • Completion and Celebration: After SXSW, Tsevis finalizes the mosaic artwork using all submitted selfies, and the Numbers Team mints it into an NFT, airdropping it to T-shirt purchasers.

The Result

The All Human-Made Mosaic Art Campaign successfully engaged a diverse audience, with a total of 309 contributors submitting their "All human-made" selfies to participate in the co-creative journey. Check the contributor list here:

Once registered on the Numbers Network, every co-creator who submits their selfie will have it recorded in the asset profile and receive revenue sharing based on the established revenue sharing structure. Are you a co-creator? Check the on-chain record to see your contribution: ipfs://bafkreiaxalc7fsfmrijmj24l345eykj5xzlpb2n7q4wocexb2c5uk7yi3u/

After collecting all the selfies from the co-creators, Charis Tsevis incorporates submitted images into the final artwork “The Eye” and mints it as an NFT, selling it with the T-shirts featuring the semi-completed mosaic artwork. Check out the impressive artwork “The Eye” on-chain:

A total of 30 T-shirts and NFTs have been sold during the SXSW and the whitelist registration period, generating a total revenue of 61,875 NUM. The revenue sharing will be distributed to the creators and co-creators' Capture wallets within 14 days. The campaign showcased the unique creativity and authenticity that comes from human beings, fostering a sense of community and shared ownership in the creative process.

The All Human-Made Mosaic Art Campaign exemplifies the importance of transparency and verification in the digital age, celebrating human creativity in a world increasingly dominated by AI-generated content. By promoting co-creation, monetization, and celebration, the campaign encourages creators and users to explore the limitless possibilities that lie ahead in the creative sector.

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